My kids are ‘Konverts’!

What a wonderful summer it has been. I have enjoyed having my teenage children and friends around during the holidays, but when it comes to the mess, that's another story. As every parent knows, the summer holidays turn bedroom floors into landfill sites; towels (how many a day do they need), hairbands, bobby pins, clothes, shoes, laptops, and the current books they are reading… the list goes on.

Fortunately, magical organisation wiz Marie Kondo has arrived on Netflix. My kids have binge watched and morphed into tidying experts. They have been infected by Kondo’s enthusiasm and relaxed approach to de-cluttering and shedding excess and have now attacked their closets and floors, pouring all their energy into applying the KonMari method.

As they say, summer is better when you’re not arguing with your Mother about where to hang your bikinis and beach towels!

Pauline Goodyer
I love this quote. It’s exactly how I feel about the work I do. For over 20 years my passion has been working in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs property market. It’s a job I truly love. In a place I live and adore.
