Dealing with covid-19

In times of uncertainty, our number one concern is being here for our community as we learn to adapt and change in the wake of this epidemic so we wanted to let you know what steps we're taking at Goodyer to prioritise the health and safety of our staff, clients, vendors and their families.

We are taking a proactive approach, in alignment with guidelines issues by various government bodies. The following protocol will now be enforced at our open homes:

- Private appointments only (one person at a time)

- We will refrain from shaking hands with atendees and ensure a 1.5m distance at all times

- Hand sanitiser will be available for attendees to use upon entry to a property

- We will ask attendees to avoid touching any surfaces 

As this is an evolving situation, we will continue to monitor and inform you to any changes to this protocol. 

Pauline Goodyer
I love this quote. It’s exactly how I feel about the work I do. For over 20 years my passion has been working in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs property market. It’s a job I truly love. In a place I live and adore.
